Clarity Clinic Chicago is a Psychiatric and Therapy Clinic with multiple locations across the Chicago and Northern Indiana areas. I was brought on to redevelop their website, act as webmaster, and to design print collateral. Over the 3 years I worked with Clarity Clinic we created 2 websites, increased web traffic exponentially, unified their print collateral, and developed a new set of brand standards that carried across platforms and mediums.

For Clarity Clinic, SEO was the top priority.  We worked closely with the SEO team to develop an experience that allowed the user to flow seamlessly through the site.  My goal was to create an experience that did not overwhelm, but that instead guided the user into taking the appropriate action.  I worked towards a structure where user experience, functionality, and design were not sacrificed, but instead played to our advantage.  I pushed the clinic to create a more unified brand across platforms and mediums and provided a framework for future growth.  I worked with printers, developers, and copywriters to ensure that the brand guidelines were met and consistent throughout.